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Our Vision


Mass effect 3 rewrite will feature a whole new and fresh story. This is not a simple remake where we change a few plot points. This is a complete rewrite.

The story is being written in the medium of an interactive book and can be easily used for designing a full blown video game.

The story will tell the rise of commander shepard from questionable persona to the role of a galactic leader.

Reapers as intelligent Villains – The reapers are powerful foes, But they are not unstoppable. They resort to cunning and impressive strategies in order to complete their harvesting cycles.

Time Setting – The events takes place right after the ending of mass effect 2, shepard is relaxing on the normandy in the same state you left him/her at the end of your mass effect 2 playthrough. Our goal is to streamline the story from mass effect 2 and continue it in a natural and logical fashion. the events of the novel retribution take place at the beginning of our story when shepard is on an off grid mission.

Canon Decisions – In our plot the entire crew of the Normandy have survived the suicide mission.
Shepard Participated in all of the squadmates loyalty missions and dlcs.
The only exception is legion. the decision to sell legion will have impact on our story.


Mission Count Begins after Mission 2


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